Write. Submit. Support. Month #5 Wrap-up with Cathy Sheafor

By WB Senior Intern Cathy Sheafor

The Finish Line

I have one more session in the WSS program for picture book writers with Ann Marie Stephens. I have submitted my last two manuscripts and completed all assignments. Technically, that means I am near the finish line. Our last group call is later this month. 

Thinking about this ‘finish line’ got me thinking about my writing goals. And, I realized I don’t want a finish line. A finish line suggests completion. But I don’t want this writing journey to end. I want to enjoy writing. Forever. 

Sure, I want to see my picture books on shelves. One day, that will happen. And, when a box of books shows up on my doorstep, I will feel temporarily like I have crossed a finish line. 

But, I intend to cross many finish lines. Life is just a series of them, right? It starts with finished first drafts. Then, we cross the finish line of polishing a story. Then, sell a story. Then, publish a story. And, there are other finish lines too — community events, talks, school visits, etc.  Writing picture books is a journey with limitless finish lines to cross and countless directions to steer. 

Embrace the Journey

So, I intend to embrace the journey rather than focus on the finish line. My writing journey has, and will continue to, open doors, broaden my experience, stimulate growth, generate happiness, and inspire and motivate me to become more, do more, and be more. Writing is opportunity — the opportunity to embrace life. And, as a cancer survivor, opportunity is paramount to me. 

WSS has given me the opportunity to deeply explore the meaning of writing and how it has enhanced my life whether I get the elusive picture book contract or I don’t. For that, I am very grateful.  

You Can Join Too!

WSS programming will be returning again this Spring with David BowlesKirsten W. Larson, and Marcie Colleen. Are you interested in possibly applying for Write. Submit. Support.? Reach out to info@thewritingbarn.com!

To read the rest of this insider series, look below: