By WB Intern Cathy Sheafor
A Writer’s Journey
I am half way through completing the WSS program for picture books with Ann Marie Stephens and it has been an enlightening and empowering experience.
I was feeling a bit lost when I started the program and, as I tried to stay grounded in my writing, I decided to register at the last minute for WSS. Ann Marie has been warm and welcoming and the program has been both informative and engaging. We meet monthly for 3 hours. Each session begins with a conversation about where we all are in our writing. Both last month and this month, Ann Marie invited a guest speaker, both published authors, to share their wisdom and experiences with us. After spending a few minutes chatting with these guests, we have launched into craft presentations by class participants.
If You Want to Master Something, Teach It
This month, I was one of the participants who presented to our cohort on a writing topic. While there are no strict parameters on the format or content or the amount of time and energy the presenter devotes to it, there is, of course, the desire to offer something that will be beneficial to everyone, including the instructor, if possible.
I threw myself into studying my topic and culling what might be useful to other writers. I LOVED it! It was fun to discover new things, engage with material on my terms, and navigate how to share my discoveries with others. I plan to create more deep studies like this even though I do not currently have an audience for them!
As I have reflected on this experience, I have compared my writing experience to spinning in the middle of a lake on a blow up swan without a paddle. While I still experience moments on that blow up swan, I am finding more and more that I am grounded in my love of writing, love of revision, and love of the challenge of improving. I can thank WSS for that.
One day, I will be published. But that is not why I am writing. I write because it makes me whole. And, without the stress of getting an agent or getting published, I feel empowered when I write. One day, my writing will empower others. For now, I can enjoy the WSS sessions, expand my personal deep study of topics that interest me and I can share that information with others. I can critique and grow in my understanding as I help others to do the same. And, I can write. And, that is what I intend to do. At least for the next 3 months!
WSS has been a magical process for me and I am grateful for the experience.
You Can Join Too!
WSS programming will be returning again this Spring with David Bowles, Kirsten W. Larson, and Marcie Colleen. Are you interested in possibly applying for Write. Submit. Support.? Reach out to!
To read the rest of this insider series, look below:
- Write. Submit. Support. Month #1 Wrap-Up with Cathy Sheafor
- Write. Submit. Support. Month #2 Wrap-up with Cathy Sheafor
- Write. Submit. Support. Month #3 Wrap-up with Cathy Sheafor
- Write. Submit. Support. Month #4 Wrap-up with Cathy Sheafor
- Write. Submit. Support. Month #5 Wrap-up with Cathy Sheafor
- Write. Submit. Support. Month #6 Wrap-up with Cathy Sheafor
About the Author
Cathy Sheafor is a writer from North Carolina. She is a graduate of Duke University and Washington University School of Law. She is currently working on picture books and her first middle grade novel. She loves to swim, hike, travel and paint when she is not writing or reading.