WB Success Story with Hema Penmetsa

We are absolutely thrilled for Hema Penmetsa, a CTCer, Writing Barn student, and Bethany mentee, who is celebrating signing with Elizabeth Rudnick from Gillian Mackenzie Agency and selling her book to Abrams Kids Books! Hema’s first picture book is set to be published in fall of 2026. Hear what she had to say about her journey.

How long have you been writing/pursuing an agent/publishing deal?

I have been writing—in various genres and across age groups—for just over a decade. I was agented previously but parted ways with them due to differences in vision for my work. This time around, I queried for 15 months before I got a book deal and signed with my agent.

What fears/hopes did you have before working with Bethany privately or taking a Writing Barn class?

I had only ever been almost there and never crossed the finish line to getting a book published (despite being agented previously for my adult literature work). So, when I started my mentorship with Bethany, I wanted to give it my all—this time with PBs—to cross that finish line and get published.

How did the WB programming aid you in both the craft and business of picture book writing?

The Writing Barn and my mentorship with Bethany have been instrumental in my understanding the picture book market and how to position myself in that market as an author. As for other resources, CTC’s sessions featuring agents and editors helped demystify the other side of the curtain, as in how the industry professionals might approach queries and submissions. Best of all, I draw constant energy, love for craft, and inspiration from all the CTC creatives who stay the course through thick and thin.

What Writing Barn class(es) or other programs (WSS, CTC, VERGE, etc.) have you participated in?

I have been a CTC member for several years and finished a picture book mentorship with Bethany. I’ve also signed up for an upcoming WSS session.

What sets Bethany apart as a teacher/mentor? Why would you encourage others to take on a deep mentorship? 

Bethany is a positive force for change. I would recommend a deep mentorship for writers at any stage of their journey, because Bethany understands what it takes to get published at a systemic level. Her mentorship is tailored to the individual writer’s needs. She helps a writer find the path that works for them and provides them with the resources they need to make progress at a sustainable pace, which is of utmost importance because publishing is a long marathon rather than a mad dash to the finish line.

What is a takeaway you will carry with you far beyond this good news as you continue to build and develop your career?

Publishing is as much a creative journey as it is a business, so it’s important to build a well-rounded supportive community as well as a wealth of resources for sustainable growth.

Any advice you have for writers/creatives having trouble staying the course in pursuing their goals?

Keep persevering and persisting but also learn when and how to pivot.

About Hema Penmetsa

Hema writes for all ages except YA—well, at least for now. She draws inspiration for her writing from her diverse cultural heritage as well as her day-to-day experiences of bringing up her two children. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering and a Master’s in computer science.