National High Five Day: 5 Ways to High Five Yourself!

by WB Intern Macy Lane

high five graphic
How do you high five yourself?

Did you know the third Thursday of each April is National High Five Day? Don’t worry, neither did we. But now that we do, it got us thinking about high fives and the role they play in our lives.

A writer’s life is full of ups and downs. The highs take us beyond the stratosphere and the lows, well, we know where they can take us. If anyone’s ever deserved a good ‘ole high five, it’s a writer.   

On this national day of celebrating accomplishments, here are five ways writers can give themselves the “high fives” they deserve each and every day. 

Remember our Why

It may seem cliche, but why did we begin writing in the first place? For us, it’s an innate part of who we are. We simply couldn’t imagine a life where we weren’t writing. On those days when we feel down, we can remind ourselves that writing is our lifeblood, and that’s pretty amazing. 

Reach Out

The writing community can be vibrant and supportive. Here you will find a group of people who know exactly how you are feeling and seem to have just the right words to help celebrate who you are and what you do. Reaching out to a critique partner or posting on social media is a great way to boost your mood and gain some high fives.

Reset and Replenish our Tanks

On days when we need a boost, it can help to hit the ‘reset’ button. Stepping away from our craft can be a wonderful way to regroup and refocus.  Going for a walk, getting out into nature, and meditating are just a few ways that you can give yourself some high fives while also doing something nice for your mind and body. 

Radical Self Acceptance

In Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha, Dr. Tara Brach says, “Radical self-acceptance takes courage; it is not ignoring or pushing away issues, it is about facing them head-on, exploring them with gentle curiosity, taking the lessons, and leaving what weighs us down.”  

Being able to view ourselves in this way, is a massive high five for our efforts! In doing this, we open the door for growth and lifelong learning.

Relax (and Reach for Chocolate)

High fives are typically given to celebrate a job well done. When we show up as writers, commit to our craft, and do our best day after day, we deserve high fives all around!  Knowing that we are dedicated and driven is more than enough reason for us to celebrate. We’re doing the hard work!  Giving ourselves an ounce of grace and relaxing our expectations is sometimes the precise high five we need. 

And, if all else fails, there’s always chocolate!

How do you high-five yourself as a writer?  Please share in the comments below!

About the Author

Macy Lane is a lifelong reader and writer currently residing in Austin, TX. Words have always been magical to her and the authors above are but a few who have genuinely and truly impacted her life. In time, she hopes to share her own stories with the world and perhaps spark the love of reading and writing in others. She plans to do this from the school bus she and her husband are converting into a tiny home so they can travel across the country!