Music for Every Writer

By WB Intern Megan Aune

As a writer, it can be difficult to find the right background noise for crafting your story. If you like to listen to music, your song choice might depend on the genre you’re writing or what helps you focus best. It may take some trial and error to find your perfect playlist, but we’ve listed a few categories below that should help you discover your ideal writing soundtrack–whatever kind of writer you are. 

For Those Who Prefer a Distraction Free Environment

An easy go-to when you’re looking for relaxing sounds that won’t take your focus away from your work is to look to nature. There are tons of options for streaming bird songs, the sounds of a rainstorm, or even underwater ambiance. With the right search terms, you can enjoy the auditory experience of writing in front of a campfire with birds waking up around you, leaves rustling in the breeze, and the waves of a lake lapping gently at the shore. Even if you don’t have access to any music streaming platforms, you can still enjoy RainyMood or look up the ambiance of your choice on YouTube. 

For Those Who Struggle with Concentration

We get it; sometimes even birds can be too distracting! If you’re someone who loses their concentration easily, have you ever considered listening to simple frequencies? There are studies which indicate that listening to binaural beats promotes attention, focus, and creativity. Binaural beats occur when two tones of slightly different frequencies are played at the same time, creating an auditory illusion for your brain. They work best in earbuds or headphones at a low volume, so give this a try and see if they’re for you!

For Those Who Write Action or Adventure

Whether your story is fantasy, sci-fi, or anything requiring a quick pace, video game soundtracks may help you curate the ideal mood for your writing experience! These soundtracks are often designed to keep listeners focussed while building a sense of urgency, which can be perfect for action-packed scenes–or just an especially efficient writing session. If you don’t know where to start, the London Philharmonic Orchestra has produced an album titled The Greatest Video Game Music, full of instrumental versions of a wide range of fast-paced songs.  

For Those Who Write Mystery, Romance, or Historical Stories

Another great go-to genre for music that’s immersive without being overly distracting is classical music. However, if you write for a genre often associated with classical tunes, this could be even more beneficial for getting into the headspace to work on your story. What could be a more effective backtrack for a heartfelt romance scene than emotive string music? To get you started, we recommend Ludovico Einaudi’s Primavera, Abel Korzeniowski’s Dance for Me Wallis, or just going all in on the 2005 Pride and Prejudice soundtrack. 

About the Author

Megan Aune is a recent University of Texas graduate with a BA in English and a certificate in Creative Writing. She currently works as a writing consultant at UT’s Writing Center. She loves working with stories and the writers who create them, and is looking forward to taking that passion into the publishing industry. In her spare time, Megan can be found reading (a lot), biking, baking, and exploring Austin’s coffee shops.