What’s Happening in the Austin Book World March 12-March 19

Hello everyone, I hope you have had a wonderful week. I would love to invite you to get out and engage in the Austin book world and support local authors. This week has a lot to offer. From story time for the little ones to book clubs for the more mature readers there is sure to be an activity for all ages. Have a safe and wonderful sxsw week. If you’re trying to stay away from the crowd and traffic then the book world is the place for you. Until next week everyone!!

By Samantha Ortiz

816iIIrxkrL._SL1500_-11Thursday, March 13 at 7p.m. Novelist, Keija Parssinen will be speaking about her latest novel, The Unraveling of Percy Louis. The event will be taking place at book people and there will also be a book signing after the speaking. The novel is a psychological suspense novel about a a witch hunt that takes place in a small refinery town in Southwest Texas.

Friday, March 13 at 7p.m. National Book Award winner, Phil Klay will be speaking at Book People about his book Redeployment and after the speaking there will be a signing with the purchase of his book. Redeployment is a collection of stories about wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The stories characters are struggling to find meaning with all of the chaos that is going on with all the wars.

Saturday, March 14 at 3p.m. Malvern books is having their monthly B&C Book Club. The book club is hosted by Jon Meador. The book club reads all types of fun books and are open to suggestions. If you are in need of joining a new club you might try the wonderful book clubs that Malvern offers,

Monday, March 16 at 7p.m. Book People is their monthly Ludacris Speed Book Club.This book club happens every third Monday of the month. 17131869The book for discussion this week will be on Saga Volume 1 and 2 by Brian K. Vaugn and Fiona Staples. The book club focuses on books that are full of fantasy, space adventures, and alternative realms.

Tuesday, March 17 at 10:30a.m. There is going to be another wonderful story time at Book People. The theme for this weeks story time is Be yourself. It’s more fun to be yourself and different than try to be like everyone else. The story that they will be reading is I don’t Want to be a Frog by Dev Petty and Mike Boldt.

Wednesday, March 18 at 7p.m. Book People is going to be having their monthly book club, Stranger than Fiction Book Club. Their books are about fascinating people and how things work, this months book is Reading in the Brain: The New Science of How we Read by Stanislas Dehaene.

dc640x490drpt-joyce4Thursday, March 19 at 7p.m. Malvern Books is having their Finnegans Wake Reading Group. This is a group that gets together to discuss the famous pieces by James Joyce. The night will begin with everyone taking turns reading from Finnegans Wake. After reading a few pages the night will continue with a discussion of the themes and meanings.