Texas Teen Book Festival Recap and Interviews by Arielle Avila

Authors and readers gathered this past Saturday to celebrate Young Adult literature at St. Edward’s University. The campus was flooded with readers of all ages and authors of many genres. Booths were set up across Ragsdale Lawn, the center of St. Edward’s, giving everyone a place to take pictures or have books signed in between panels. The panels covered topics ranging from how lying can benefit you when writing a story to the art of graphic novel storytelling. I was able to attend the “No Risk, No Reward” panel as well as the “Tru Love 4Eva” panel and got to sit down with an author that spoke at each one.

“No Risk, No Reward” with Jesse Andrews, David Levithan, Cindy Pon, and Carrie Ryan


Maybee Ballroom was the most crowded I’ve seen it since freshman orientation – and had just as much (if not more) excitement. Lindsey Lane moderated the panel YA authors that were just as excited as the crowd of readers to be in Austin. Bestselling author of Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl, Jesse Andrews touched on the importance of making each book its own person and sacrificing your own integrity for the sake of the story. David Levithan, a well seasoned YA author having written 19 books since 2003, gave some insight on how sharing his writing has been a “leap of faith.” New York Times bestselling author Carrie Ryan touched on the intensive research that was done for her thrilling novels: from rewatching episodes of Revenge and Arrow to googling how to poison someone successfully (and get away with it). Cindy Pon, author of a number of fantasy novels, also talked about the intensive research done for her books – specifically her debut novel, Silver Phoenix. Overall it was a joy to hear the authors talk so passionately about their books and the hard work that is put into each of their processes. To inspire fellow writers in the audience, the authors gave their last tips of advice, but Andrews’ was especially fitting for the panel topic: “You have to let yourself fail first.”

(Check out an interview with Cindy Pon below)

“Tru Love 4Eva” with Huntley Fitzpatrick, Jenny Han, Morgan Matson, Margo Rabb, and Jennifer E. Smith


What is love? And is it everlasting? What better way to find out than by going to the ladies who write about love. The St. Edward’s RCC Gym was packed with readers, young and old, looking for answers – myself included. Moderator Sarah Pitre presented the panel of authors that we look to as love gurus: Huntley Fitzpatrick, Jenny Han, Morgan Matson, Margo Rabb, and Jennifer E. Smith. They each gave their insights on their ideal guys, at least for the sake of writing a YA book. Smith insisted on giving nice guys a shot and not focussing on the “bad boy” appeal, and Han reminded us of that they have flaws too (I guess prince charming isn’t perfect). And Rabb explained that her ideal guy in her books are composites of people she’s known in her past. Pitre described the panel best: it was like being at a slumber party and gossiping over boys: it’s fun, it’s entertaining, it’s addictive – just like these author’s books. But there is some greater insight to all of it. Huntley broke down the YA romance novels as a way of figuring out who you are, how you love, and how you let your guard down. But I still wondered: Does love last forever? I guess the answer’s in the sequels.

(Check out an interview with Margo Rabb below)