This month, The Writing Barn is thrilled to support Austin’s own Clara Bensen, who just released her debut novel, inspired by the wildly famous Salon.Com article she wrote in 2013 entitled “The Craziest OkayCupid! Date Ever.” Her novel, entitled No Baggage: A Minimalist Tale of Love and Wandering details the trip across the world that her and her now partner, Jeff, took after only having known each other for a few weeks. The result? A hilarious, adventurous, novel to satisfy the wanderlust, as well as the romantic, in all of us.
And don’t forget to come to The Writing Barn, Wednesday March 23rd, 7:30 – 9:00, for our monthly Words & Wine Wednesday, where Clara herself will be participating in a discussion panel about her latest novel, as well as signing copies of her book which will be sold at The Barn on consignment from Book People. There will be wine, cheese, and great conversation. Stop by and keep supporting local Austin Talent.
Austin Author Spotlight Interview
with Clara Bensen
Tell us a bit about your latest book.
Back in 2013 I joined the online dating site OkCupid in an attempt to add a little excitement to my life. I’d just emerged from a quarter-life meltdown and was open to pretty much anything as long as it involved leaving my house. “Anything” showed up in the form of Jeff Wilson, an eccentric science professor who wore bright pants and specialized in rocking the boat. Sparks flew on the first date and—against all logic—I found myself nervously agreeing to set off with him on an around-the-world travel experiment with strict rules: no hotels, no plans, no itineraries, and (the big twist) no baggage.
No Baggage is the tale of what became of me as we traveled completely unencumbered from Istanbul to London. It explores modern relationships and the art of jumping into the unknown against a backdrop of eight countries, twenty-one days and a single pair of clothes.
Where did you get the idea for No Baggage?
I didn’t set out on the trip with any intention to write about it. For me, it was a personal challenge and a celebration of how far I’d come in terms of mental health. It wasn’t until five months after we got back that Jeff casually suggested it might make a good story. I took his advice and wrote an essay for, (“The Craziest OkCupid Date Ever”) which, to my infinite surprise, ended up going viral overnight. In the wake of the publicity several agents approachedme, wondering if I was interested in writing a full-length book. I’d always wanted to write full time, but No Baggage was definitely an unexpected vehicle for launching my career.
Where do you do your writing? Do you have a specific process?
Like many writers, I can be fairly introverted and reserved. It’s easy for me to stay inside my house all day without speaking to anyone, which can sometimes backfire. Too much time alone and I start flying off into the literary ethers. When writing I’ve discovered it’s best to maintain a balance: I usually spend the mornings at home in my studio, then in the afternoons I walk or bike to one of the coffee shops in my East Austin neighborhood. I have a little circuit I visit on different days. Even if I don’t talk to anyone while I’m out, being surrounded by other artists and freelancers has a grounding effect.
What are you currently reading?
I’m submerging myself in a bunch of great essayists right now in anticipation of my next project, which is currently steeping. Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion, Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin, Teaching a Stone

to Talk by Annie Dillard, and Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace are by my bedside right now. I’m also diving into the history of performance art.
We feature a post on our site called Rejecting Rejection, where authors discuss their reactions to past rejected works. How do you, as an author, deal with rejection?
Rejection always stings, but at a practical level I try to remind myself that there are dozens of reasons why my idea might not be a good match for whoever I pitched it to—timing, current events, experience, availability of slots—most of which have nothing to do with my potential as a writer. It’s not personal (even though it totally feels like it).
Tempting as it is, I also avoid focusing on bylines and Nielsen rankings. Instead I try to concentrate on the fact that I write because I have a creative gift that wants to be expressed on the page. Funneling mental energy into rejection or comparison diverts from my creative flow and ultimately doesn’t relate to anything real or meaningful. Of course, it’s one thing to make that statement and another thing to live it while drowning in disappointment or insecurity. On the days when I’m utterly convinced I’m an embarrassment to the trade, I have a few writer friends who shake me out of it—usually with the words, “Keep going! This is totally normal.” We both know it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be saying the same thing right back. Solidarity!
As an addendum, I never read reviews, articles, or comment sections related to my work (whether critical or
glowing). Highly recommended for personal sanity.
What do you think of the literary community in Austin?
Honestly, I’m not as connected to it as I’d like to be. When I got a book deal I was thrown into the deep end of the writing process with a lot of pressure and a short deadline. I didn’t feel like I had the mental wherewithal to get established in the local lit scene on top of figuring out how to write a memoir. It’s only now that No Baggage is out and on shelves that I’m finally able to look around and say, “Okay, where are the other writers?” Bring on the readings!
How long have you lived in the Austin area?
I just celebrated my five-year anniversary in Austin. I’ve traveled all over the world but I can honestly say I am always happy to come home to this city. It’s been good to me.

Clara Bensen’s 2013 article entitled “The Craziest OKCupid Date Ever,” was read by more than half a million people. The story of her luggage-less adventure attracted major national and international attention, with coverage in USA Today, and appearances on The View, Fox News. No Baggage has also been optioned by New Line cinemas.
Clara and her partner Jeff have made four subsequent no baggage trips, to South America, the Caucuses, Scandinavia, and Japan. She lives in Austin, Texas.