WB Success Story with Sophia Velasquez Martinez

We are excited to announce that our very own, CTC Program Manager and WB Digital Media Specialist, Sophia Velazquez Martinez, has signed with Lucy Balfour at William Morris Endeavor! Hear more about Sophie’s good news, and which programs helped her along the way to getting this major milestone met.

How long have you been writing/pursuing an agent/publishing deal?

Writing and storytelling have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember—from scary stories around summer campfires to songwriting and devouring young adult novels in my childhood bedroom. I took creative writing classes in high school, then studied Writing and Rhetoric with a focus on poetry at St. Edward’s University in Austin. It wasn’t until 2017, during my internship at The Writing Barn while I was a student at St. Edward’s, that I connected my deep love for kidlit with my own creative and professional passions and pursuits. I started writing my first young adult paranormal thriller in 2022 and pursuing a literary agent in 2023.

What fears/hopes did you have before working with Bethany privately or taking a Writing Barn class?

As a Writing Barn team member, I had the privilege of TA’ing Write. Submit. Support. for Novelists with Carrie Jones. My hopes and fears were plentiful before beginning this 6-month course—I wanted not only to finish my novel, but to finish a draft strong enough to use to query agents. On a more personal, emotional level, I wanted someone to see the fiction writer I saw in myself.

How did the WB programming aid you in both the craft and business of picture book writing?

Lots of Carrie’s past students praise her for how kind, careful, and thoughtful she is with her lectures and feedback in Write. Submit. Support. I’m now one of them! I was blown away by the attention to detail Carrie provided me in every single feedback packet. Not only did I receive line edits on my work, but I also got Carrie’s in-depth thoughts, takeaways, and advice for my story moving forward. She and my WSS cohort helped me strengthen my craft and navigate the industry while I was in the querying trenches. And, at the tail end of WSS, I received an agent offer! My craft would not have been strong enough, and my creative soul wouldn’t have been resilient enough, if it weren’t for Write. Submit. Support. and Carrie.

What Writing Barn class(es) or other programs (WSS, CTC, VERGE, etc.) have you participated in?

As the Courage to Create Program Manager, I have the unique privilege of being a CTC member alongside my role of serving the community. Even if I don’t attend events live, I often watch the replays. The industry insight events (Ask an Agent, Editor Insight, etc.) and Queries and First Pages Clinics were particularly helpful during my querying journey. Now that I have an agent, I look to events like our Behind the Book sessions for insight.

What is a takeaway you will carry with you far beyond this good news as you continue to build and develop your career?

My takeaway is this: Though the literary life can feel trepidatious, stagnant, and heart wrenching at times, returning to why I write (my Big Why, as we call it in the Courage to Create) will always ground and reset me. Advocating for yourself in this industry can feel really tough, but I refuse to lose the joy of writing! It keeps me creating through the ups and downs, through victories and setbacks.

Any advice you have for writers/creatives having trouble staying the course in pursuing their goals?

First, I’m right there with you! It’s so easy to let our creative goals take the backseat when life gets intense. My advice to you (and to me!) is that there is never a bad time to return to the page, even if it feels daunting and impossible. TODAY is always a good day to write.

About Sophia Velasquez Martinez

Sophia (Sophie) Velasquez Martinez writes stories about loss, self-doubt, or transformation for young adults (who don’t mind the occasional bump in the night along the way). She received her BA in Writing and Rhetoric with a focus in Creative Writing from St. Edward’s University and is the Digital Marketing & Promotions Specialist for The Writing Barn, a retreat center and virtual creative writing platform. She is also the Program Director for the Barn’s sister program, the Courage to Create. ​Sophia’s poetry is featured in Carolina Muse, Heart of Flesh, and Hawaii Pacific Review among other publications. She also has editorial work in Austin Monthly Magazine and HAWAI’I Magazine. The Uncanny Club, her virtual blog and book club, is a space for readers who love a good scary story to gather and obsess around the digital campfire. When she’s not writing ghost stories, she’s watching them on TV, traveling, cooking, or spending time with her husband, Alex, and their two cats, Hank and Norman. Sophia is represented by Lucy Balfour at William Morris Endeavor.

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