Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month With These Books From Our Hispanic Creatives

Family gatherings, delicious foods, and heartfelt tales passed down by generations are what Hispanic Heritage month is all about. This September, The Writing Barn is pleased to celebrate our Hispanic authors by announcing their latest and upcoming fall book releases that you’ll be sure to treasure for years to come.

The No Brainer’s Guide To Decomposition and What Fell From The Sky By Adrianna Cuevas

The No Brainer’s Guide To Decomposition is a gruesome story that’ll surely get you ready for the spooky season. Written by Adrianna Cuevas, a Cuban-American raised in Miami whose love for horror visibly shines through her work, this undead mystery is inspired by the Central Texas Forensic Anthropology Research Facility. We follow Frani, a fearless girl known to hold her composure with anything gory or crawly, while trying to understand her own brain and the way it works, the cadavers in her fathers body farm start to pop up one by one and she quickly realizes there are bigger problems to solve. If you’re dying to read more, pick up a copy on September 24th!

As our first honorable mention, Adrianna also has another book coming out February 11, 2025. What Fell From The Sky, based on events pulled from true Texas history, is about a young Pineda’s adventure of reuniting his new friend with her family after she suddenly lands in his parents’ barn. Even with the local government being used as a guise, Pineda stops at nothing to save his friend.

The Littlest Grito by Nicholas Solis and illustrated by Teresa Martinez

Written by Nicholas Solis, The Littlest Grito was released September 2nd and is a great way for middle schoolers to be introduced to Mexican independence Day and get them to learn more about the history behind it. Gloria can’t wait for the Mexican Independence Day Parade to hear her father yell the grito that starts off the whole show, but when he suddenly loses his voice days before she courageously offers to take his place. Will she be able to channel the perfect grito in time for the parade?

Find out here!

Abuela’s Letter by Debbie Zapata and illustrated by Alejandra Ruiz

Abuela’s Letter displays a form of care and affection that fellow latinx know all too well, an abuela’s love. Abuela’s home is where Alma’s happy memories of childhood flourish, she could spend time with family, eat yummy foods and most of all be around her Abuela. But when the center of her world passes away, Alma is left with a strange feeling of grief and a letter that could help her handle the abrupt change in her life.

Debbie Zapata loves mixing her Mexican culture into her work, which explains the authentic feel she’s able to give to the audience through the words on the page. Abuela’s Letter releases October 15, for anyone who may be experiencing a difficult time in their life, this book may bring comfort in a way everyone can understand.

Tales Of The Feathered Serpent: The Hero Twins And The Magic Of Song by David Bowles illustrated by Charlene Bowles 

The Hero Twins And The Magic Of Song is the second volume of the graphic novel series Tales Of The Feathered Serpent. A highly anticipated release with many excitedly awaiting for a chance to delve back into the pre-invasion Mesoamerican culture in which the book takes place. We are brought back to view a different perspective in which we shadow the twin demigods who need to save their father and uncle from the land of the dead. If you find yourself just as impatient as the rest of us for this release, and October 29th is just too far, check out the first volume of the series Rise Of The Halfling King.

Chicano author David Bowles has dipped his toe into a wide variety of projects such as TV/films and also was the co-founder of the #DignidadLiteraria which gained more exposure for latinx writers.

With Hispanic Heritage month rearing near the end, we acknowledge that our Hispanic authors never cease to create amazing stories for all to dive in to, so here’s a few upcoming 2025 releases that we’re incredibly excited to add to our shelves as well!

Crack Goes The Cascaron and Alberto Salas Plays Paka Paka Con La Papa by Sara Fajardo illustrated by Rocio Arreola Mendoza and Juana Martinez-Neal

Sara Fajardo will make her debut into the world of picture books with Crack Goes The Cascarón, available February 18, 2025. Tito’s excitement for Easter lies within the family tradition of cracking cascarónes on each other’s head and who can do it best. Will Tito be able to come out on top of the competition this year, or will someone sabotage his chances of celebrating victory? 

Shortly after her first picture book, Sara will release her second, Alberto Salas Plays Paka Paka Con La Papa, a biography based on Alberto Salas and his unique way of incorporating play into his work with plants. “Paka Paka” is Quechua for Hide-And-Seek, and this title shows just how jolly Alberto was when it came to his plant collecting. A Spanish version will also be available, Alberto Salas Juega A La Paka Paka Con La Papa, on March 18, 2025. Sara Fajardo, an author who started as a photojournalist, found her love for writing when she realized just how much of an impact her written word could make. So she took her knowledge of agriculture and decided to put the energy into creating picture books for children.

Home by Matt De La Peña and illustrated by Loren Long

For those who adore their home, wherever that may be and whatever that may mean to them, Home is a meditative visual that’ll help you ground yourself to the roots that keep you stable. Coming out March 11th, 2025, author Matt De La Peña states this book is a good match for his other book Love. Matt is a Mexican-American Best Selling author who has taught at The Writing Barn, his literary work consistently reflects on his own life and experiences that he or those around him have lived through.

These gifted Hispanic authors continue to reach the hearts of many young children who are ready to learn about the world and dive into some new ones as well. Which book are you most excited for?

About the Author

Ciera De Los Santos has had a fascination with the written word since she learned about the remarkable world of Greek mythology and other fairy tales alike from across the globe. With a goal to travel the world, she’s returning to school to be able to teach and connect with people on a global scale. After working over six years in customer service, and learning skills that she’ll cherish forever, she’s excited to put them to use towards her new objective of being a personal/virtual assistant and social media manager. Ciera also enjoys occult novels, self help books, and other activities such as crocheting and cooking meals that remind her of her family.

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